VfAk48LJJrNcB1QnPEmU1bJ7a18 Geocache on: Where do I start geocaching?


Friday 27 January 2012

Where do I start geocaching?

I am always surprised to talk to someone who has never heard of geocaching, yet I wonder if I would have heard about it if I wasn't involved in a field that uses GPS receivers. Even though I had heard of geocaching, I didn't actually start until a good friend took my daughter and me caching with her family. Then I realized this could be a great family activity not just a hobby to pursue on my own. If you are just hearing about geocaching, check out geocaching.com which is filled with information and how-to videos like the one above.
If you don't want the expense of purchasing a GPS until you know if you enjoy geocaching, check your local library to see if they lend out GPS receivers and instruments, just like checking out a book. There are 30 GPS receivers available across Calgary libraries along with coordinates for the Calgary Parks 100 year anniversary geocache challenge. As a celebration of their 100th anniversary Calgary Parks hid 100 caches in city parks to encourage residents to visit our beautiful city parks. This is a great way to get a taste of what geocaching is about without leaving the city.

With over 3000 caches in Calgary and more than 1.6 million caches worldwide, you are not limited to your own city for geocaching, but it is a great place to get started.


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